Through its years of disaster management expertise in both government and private sectors, SDMI will facilitate and execute a planning process for any local, state, international, or private sector organization or agency to develop or update homeland security and/or emergency management planning documents.

Are you ready? What if your operations are shut down or disabled due to a disaster? How will you operate? How will your employees work? SDMI's team of experienced Emergency Managers will work with your agency, department, small business, or other organization on a comprehensive Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). COOP allows for individual agencies to ensure they can continue to perform their mission essential functions during a wide range of emergencies. These plans ensure that your government, department, business, and/or agency is able to continue essential daily functions. The SDMI Planning Team will work with you to make sure your COOP covers planning for any event - natural, human-caused, technological threats and national security emergency - that may cause your organization to relocate its operations to an alternate or other continuity site to assure continuance of essential functions. COOP is simply good business practice.
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The specialized SDMI School Safety Program Team will work directly with school administrators, district staff, and local first responders to customize a program most applicable to your school community. Our in-depth experience in all phases of emergency management, homeland security, and incident management facilitates an approach that effectively integrates all threats and hazards into a comprehensive approach to school safety preparedness and response. SDMI's customized program allows for schools to choose what tools, planning documents, and or resources they are most in need of.
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Following the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Guidelines, our experienced HM Planning team will facilitate a step by step process and final Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) to allow for your jurisdiction to apply and be eligible for future post disaster mitigation funds. Our planning team will take the lead on the entire planning process, finishing with formal FEMA approval.
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The Resiliency planning process is a highly collaborative process that communities or organizations can undertake to identify potential hazards and threats, and then working together to establish adaptation, mitigation, and recovery plans. Do you have a plan specific to resilience for your community? Let the SDMI Planning team facilitate your entire process with the goal to reduce likely impacts and ensure your key infrastructure systems continue operating and begin providing services again quickly.

Complete or selected school safety planning packages. Utilizing the same six step planning process for EOPs, SDMI will facilitate and develop complete school emergency operations plans, parent emergency guides, faculty/staff emergency guides, tactical response planning, and enhanced floorplan documentation for school campuses.

SDMI's experienced homeland security team works with local, parish/county and state level organizations to develop robust and comprehensive THIRA's. The THIRA, or, Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is a three-step risk assessment process that helps communities understand their risks and what they need to do to address those risks by answering the following questions: What threats and hazards can affect our community? If they occurred, what impacts would those threats and hazards have on our community? Based on those impacts, what capabilities should our community have? The outputs form this planning process lay the foundation for determining a community’s capability gaps as part of the Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR). Our team works with a dedicated core planning team throughout the process to deliver a comprehensive and complete THIRA.
It is not a question of if, but when a critical incident or disaster will happen to you. Following FEMA's six step planning process, the SDMI Planning team will assist in development of comprehensive emergency management/homeland security planning programs to get your team, office and/or community prepared in each of the phases of emergency management; prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Our specialized team will work to enhance your overall level of preparedness which will in turn directly increase the success of response with the appropriate planning tools. Our team stands ready to support clients as they prepare for large scale events, emergencies, and man made or natural disasters.